Cooper, Michael. “‘Spreading the Wealth’ as Both Accusation and Prescription.” New York Times. 19 October 2008.
In this article, Michael Cooper covers the tight race between John McCain and Barack Obama for the Presidency. Cooper reveals McCain believes Obama is "a quasi socialist who wants 'to redistribute wealth' and whose tax cuts are a 'government giveaway.'" McCain also tells the crowd at a rally, “I’m going to spend a lot of money to bring relief to you.” Cooper believes McCain is sending "mixed messages."
In class, we learned socialism means the government owns means of production. We also learned how farmers boycotted the taxes being placed on them by the government and how Andrew Mellon helped the rich rather than the poor. If these same people were alive today, they would be glad Obama is trying issue tax cuts to people who make less than $250,000 a year and give them the same health care benefits the rich are receiving.
In Obama's presidency so far, he has been quite socialist in helping out banks and car manufacturers, and trying to get universal health care for American citizens, but he also has been raising taxes to pay for it. For several years, our previous presidents have been trying to do the best they can with the information they have at the time. They wouldn't have ran for president if they didn't care about the country. Some of their decisions have made things worse and some have changed our country for the better. Whether Obama is successful or not in his decision making, only time will tell.
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